{% import 'components/pager.html' as pager %} {% import '_account-path-card.html' as path %} {% import '_course-card-simple.html' as course %} {% import '_courses.carousel.html' as carousel %}
Featured Paths
{% set items = [{ title: 'Angular', image: 'angular', description: 'Angular is a platform for building mobile and desktop web applications.', favorite: true, account: true }, { title: 'Swift', image: 'swift', description: 'Swift is a powerful and intuitive programming language for macOS, iOS, watchOS, tvOS and beyond.' }, { title: 'WordPress', image: 'wordpress', description: 'WordPress is open source software you can use to create a beautiful website, blog, or app.' }] %}
{% for item in items.slice(0, (featured_paths_limit or 3)) %}
{{ path.component( class='card-group-row__card', title=item.title, description=item.description, image=item.image, favorite=item.favorite, account=item.account, cta=false, details=true, prefix=prefix) }}
{% endfor %}
{{ pager.pager() }}
Development Paths
{% set items = [{ title: 'React Native', image: 'react' }, { title: 'Dev Ops', image: 'devops' }, { title: 'Redis', image: 'redis' }, { title: 'MailChimp', image: 'mailchimp', open: true, favorite: true }, { title: 'Angular', image: 'angular' }, { title: 'Swift', image: 'swift' }, { title: 'WordPress', image: 'wordpress' }] %}
{% for item in items %}
{{ path.component( class='card-group-row__card', title=item.title, image=item.image, open=item.open, favorite=item.favorite, cta=false, prefix=prefix) }}
{% endfor %}
{{ pager.pager() }}
Design Paths
{% set items = [{ title: 'Sketch', image: 'sketch' }, { title: 'Flinto', image: 'flinto' }, { title: 'Photoshop', image: 'photoshop' }, { title: 'Figma', image: 'figma' }, { title: 'Adobe XD', image: 'xd' }, { title: 'inVision App', image: 'invision' }, { title: 'Craft by inVision', image: 'craft' }] %}
{% for item in items %}
{{ path.component( class='card-group-row__card', title=item.title, image=item.image, cta=false, prefix=prefix) }}
{% endfor %}
{{ pager.pager() }}